Weather in Melbourne, Australia

Melbourne is the second largest city of Australia, and is the capital city of Victoria. It is the most southern mainland state in Australia which lends itself to being cooler and wetter than most of the other states throughout Australia. The weather in Autumn and Winter (March through to August) in Melbourne is generally quite stable with cool temperatures and only moderate rainfall (10-15 days per month which experience rainfall greater than 0.2mm). However, the Spring and Summer seasons in Melbourne can be extremely variable, ranging from cool and wet days, through to extreme periods of hot weather.

  • Coldest day ever recorded in Melbourne: -2.8 °C (21 July 1869)
  • Hottest day ever recorded in Melbourne: 46.4 °C (7 February 2009)

Please see below for detailed weather outlook for Melbourne:

Author: Cruise Agency

Post Date: 17th December 2019

Categories: Weather

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